We conduct an in-depth analysis of the residential sales and lettings market in Bournemouth and surrounding areas for you.

Lettings Market in Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole

What is the average rent for a detached house?
£1625.00 PCM
What is the average rent for a two-bedroom flat?
£980.00 PCM
per month
What is the average rent for a one-bedroom flat?
£800.00 PCM

Rents have changed by.
in the last 12 months

How long does it take to let a property?
4 days to 7 days

Sales Market

Average price for a home


in Bournemouth
How much have the average prices changed?
in the last year
in the last 10 years

How much have the average prices changed?
in the last year
in the last 10 years

Average price for a home


in Christchurch
Average price for a home


in Poole
How much have the average prices changed?
in the last year
in the last 10 years

Regional market

What is the average age of local residents?
How old are first-time buyers on average?

Average price in Southwest versus Average price in England & Wales Southwest
England & Wales

Residential Sales / Lettings Market Snapshot

Our latest residential sales report provides an overview of prices and annual growth and the lettings report provides rental market performance for Christchurch, Southbourne, Poole and surrounding areas.

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